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Yip Tse & Tang HK Lawyers & Civil Celebrant of Marriages - Marriage Registration & Simple Wedding by Civil Celebrant of Marriages

Intended Marrying Parties, including foreigners and travellers, can get married through a civil celebrant of marriages in Hong Kong.

Choice of Fees and Venues: Marriage Registration

Office hours wedding at our decorated offices: $1900

Office hours Sky Garden: $2200

Sat afternoon, Sundays, Public holidays: $2900

We have over 20 civil celebrants serving different marriage registration offices all over Hong Kong.

We have handled thousands of marriage registrations or weddings in the past.  All our civil celebrants are well experienced and familiar with the marriage process. Intending marrying couple can attend our more than offices: Mongkok, Kwun Tong, Cheung Sha Wan/Lai Chi Kok, Central, Wanchai, Shatin, Tsuen Wan, Yuen Long, Tuen Mun or Sheung Shui. Check out our decorated wedding halls below:


If you come to us during office hours, you need not make a prior appointment. If you have all the documents in support, you may sign the Marriage Notice when you come. If you wish to make an appointment, please call our marriage hotline :

Tel: 82099999
Tel/WhatsApp 94899800

Check our office hours
Our 14 Registration Office/11 Wedding Halls Addresses

Because the entire process is handled by us, they need not line up at the Marriage Registry. Nor they have to compete for "red lucky" days.

Our service motto: Fast, simple & easy.

Step by step to file marriage notice from overseas for marriage in Hong Kong

Enquiry: 82099999. Tel/WhatsApp 94899800
Fee: Marriage at our office in office hours: HK$1900.

If you are not in Hong Kong and wish to file your marriage Notice overseas, you have to observe the following steps:

  • The process involves 4 parties: 
    •  yourselves/marrying parties: to complete the oversea Notice form: (1) a copy of Notice of Intended Marriage form and (2) information sheet "Information Required for Registration of Marriage".
    • notary public at your location: to witness your signing of the Notice
    • we: submit the oversea Notice form to the Marriage Registry in Hong Kong
    • Marriage Registry: issue you the Certificate of Registrar, approving you may proceed to a marriage ceremony in Hong Kong

Steps you Take:

  1. contact us and instruct us to be your civil celebrant of marriages. You pay us an initial fee to start with the process.
  2. we shall email you the oversea Notice form.
  3. you complete the Notice form and have your signing witnessed by the Notary Public at your location
  4. you send the completed and notarised Notice form to us at Unit 3, 15/F, Yue Xiu Building, 160-174 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong by international courier or air mail 
  5. we submit the completed and notarized Notice for you the the Marriage Registry
  6. Both of you should, after your arrival at Hong Kong, attend the Marriage Registration and Records Office, Marriage Registry within office hours, bringing along your travel documents and originals of the documents which you have submitted earlier. The party giving the Notice should make an affidavit before the Registrar that there is no impediment of kindred or affinity or any other lawful hindrance to the marriage. Thereafter, the Marriage Registry will issue to you the Certificate of Registrar of Marriages. Address: 3/F, Low Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway
    Hong Kong. 
  7. you pass us the Certificate of Registrar of Marriage to prepare your wedding ceremony.
  8. we act as your civil celebrant of marriages to hold the wedding ceremony
  9. we pass you the Marriage Certificate completing the entire marriage process.

Marriage Case: Get Married with a Mainland Resident aged below 21

My fiancees is a Mainland resident aged 20. If we intend to celebrate our marriage at the law offices of a civil celebrant of marriages, what documents are required upon giving of a notice?

Answers to this Marriage Case:

  • Under Hong Kong laws, if, on the date of intended marriage, either party is under the age of 21 but of or above the age of 16, the written consent of a parent/parent having custody is required
  • The civil celebrant of marriages may provide you with the form for giving such consent 
  • If the person making the consent is not in Hong Kong, the completed Form MR4 should be authenticated by a Notary Public.
  • If the written consent is given by the natural parent of the party, the party should provide the following documents upon giving of the notice
    • the original or certified copy of the birth certificate of the party who is requiring the consent;
    • the original or certified copy of the marriage certificate of the parents and parent's statutory declaration in writing to declare that the custodial right of the party has never been deprived by Order of any Court if a valid marriage subsists between the parents;
    • the original or certified copy of the Order of custodial right from court if the parents are divorced or separated by Order of any Court;
    • mother's statutory declaration in writing to declare that the custodial right of the party has never been deprived by Order of any Court if the party is an illegitimate person.
    • Statutory declaration should be made and sworn or affirmed before a Registrar or a civil celebrant of marriages. 
    • If the person making the declaration is not in Hong Kong, the statutory declaration form should be authenticated by a Notary Public. 
    • If the required supporting documents are not written in English or Chinese, certified translations of such are required.


Procedure and formalities when submitting Marriage Notice Overseas

You may also choose to send email to the Immigration Department at the [email protected] for:

  1. the Notice form and 
  2. information sheet.

The following formalities MUST be observed:

  • The completed notice form with your signature should be authenticated by a Notary Public of the country where you live. 
  • The information sheet must be completed with the required information but need NOT be notarized.

Documents and payment to be submitted when the Notice is filed:

  • The authenticated notice
  • the completed information sheet
  • the supporting documents and 
  • bank draft as payment of the prescribed fee HKD305.

Delivery to the Marriage Registration and Records Office:

  • by registered airmail directly or 
  • through your contact person in Hong Kong or 
  • through a civil celebrant of marriages.

Our Service:

Should you wish to appoint us to submit the Notice for you. You should:

  • send the same to us by international courier the above required documents
  • remit our service fee with the Government fee for this part of service. Our service fee on this part of service is between HK$2000 to HK$9,000, depending how much time we have to spend on processing your case and its complexities. Please note that this amount does not include the fee on marriage solemnization.
  • Please enquire with us on our fee on marriage solemnization.