Procedure and formalities when submitting Marriage Notice Overseas
Step by step to file marriage notice from overseas for marriage in Hong Kong

Marriage Case: Get Married with a Mainland Resident aged below 21

My fiancees is a Mainland resident aged 20. If we intend to celebrate our marriage at the law offices of a civil celebrant of marriages, what documents are required upon giving of a notice?

Answers to this Marriage Case:

  • Under Hong Kong laws, if, on the date of intended marriage, either party is under the age of 21 but of or above the age of 16, the written consent of a parent/parent having custody is required
  • The civil celebrant of marriages may provide you with the form for giving such consent 
  • If the person making the consent is not in Hong Kong, the completed Form MR4 should be authenticated by a Notary Public.
  • If the written consent is given by the natural parent of the party, the party should provide the following documents upon giving of the notice
    • the original or certified copy of the birth certificate of the party who is requiring the consent;
    • the original or certified copy of the marriage certificate of the parents and parent's statutory declaration in writing to declare that the custodial right of the party has never been deprived by Order of any Court if a valid marriage subsists between the parents;
    • the original or certified copy of the Order of custodial right from court if the parents are divorced or separated by Order of any Court;
    • mother's statutory declaration in writing to declare that the custodial right of the party has never been deprived by Order of any Court if the party is an illegitimate person.
    • Statutory declaration should be made and sworn or affirmed before a Registrar or a civil celebrant of marriages. 
    • If the person making the declaration is not in Hong Kong, the statutory declaration form should be authenticated by a Notary Public. 
    • If the required supporting documents are not written in English or Chinese, certified translations of such are required.