Marriage Registration & Celebration by Civil Celebrant of Marriages
Marriage Notice Filed in Hong Kong or from oversea countries
Civil Celebrants of Marriages Scheme by Immigration Department
Procedure and formalities when submitting Marriage Notice Overseas
Making Prenuptial Agreement in Hong Kong
Step by step to file marriage notice from overseas for marriage in Hong Kong
Our wedding and marriage registration Offices
- British Nationals wishing to marry in Hong Kong
- Civil Celebrants of Marriages Scheme by Immigration Department
- Making Prenuptial Agreement in Hong Kong
- Marriage Case: Get Married with a Mainland Resident aged below 21
- Marriage in Hong Kong by Australian Nationals
- Marriage Notice Filed from Overseas
- Marriage Notice Filed in Hong Kong or from oversea countries
- Marriage Registration & Celebration by Civil Celebrant of Marriages
- Marriage Registration Offices with Civil Celebrant of Marriages
- Oversea Marrying Parties filing Marriage registration Notice outside Hong Kong
- Procedure and formalities when submitting Marriage Notice Overseas
- Step by step to file marriage notice from overseas for marriage in Hong Kong
- Validity of foreign marriages in the UK